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Improving Learning and Teaching


We work with a number of school clusters and trusts to promote great learning across their communities. This can take a variety of forms but our experience shows us that there are often similar challenges:


  • How to build independence and enquiry skills
  • Planning for 'learning' not 'doing'
  • Differentiating active engagement for every pupil
  • Improving questioning strategies and review techniques.
  • Easing transition
  • Time effective teacher assessment
  • Improving basic literacy and communication


Case Study

We work with a consortium of two large secondary schools and eight primary, infant and junior schools in Richmond on Thames.


All Head Teachers have been through a visioning day where a common consortium approach to learning was agreed. Learning Value Audits have been conducted in the schools and common areas for training identified.


Lead learners from all schools have had training on areas such as "Developing Enquiry and Questioning", "Creativity" and "Developing Independent Thinking and Learning". Teacher learning groups were set up, celebration days and a consortium library of outstanding practice created.



"The Alite training partnership has given the Quindrat schools a renewed focus on high quality learning and teaching. The Learning Value Audits and the strategic consultancy visits have helped each school to plan developments. The Alite training has created a real buzz and enthusiasm among staff and there will undoubtedly be a positive impact on learning and teaching in all schools across the Quindrat."

Jo Longhurst, Headteacher of Orleans Park School, Richmond – Chair of the Consortium