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Classroom Observation and Coaching


Introducing and sustaining high quality observation and feedback can be a cost-effective investment for schools. We have a very detailed coaching programme which includes observation methods and skills, giving and receiving purposeful feedback and sustaining improvements. What makes us different is that we:


  • Customise our programme to align with your school priorities
  • Utilise video analysis tools
  • Benchmark against best practice
  • Plan for sustainability


Through Iris our technology partner, we have access to different classroom recording and analysis tools.


Case Study

Shelfield Community Academy are looking to build an evaluation culture, with classroom observation and coaching central to this, in support of their aim to develop consistently outstanding learning and teaching. They are working with Alite to embed the key features of outstanding learning within their classroom observation schedule and structure as well as train a team of coaches who will lead on coaching for improvement across the Academy.



"Working with Alite has not only given us a clear model for improving learning and teaching that we have built into a classroom observation systems, but has also allowed us to access high quality staff development like the coaching for improvement course. Our coaches have been through a programme that has not only built their skills, but has also allowed them to experience the coaching process with expert feedback."
Phillip Smith, Assistant Headteacher, Shelfield Community Academy, Walsall